Fraser Stream Willow Control

The Fraser Stream, located in a semi-rural area in Twizel, experienced extensive damage to the crack willows along its banks following a severe storm. Multiple fallen trees congested the stream, impeding flow and increasing the flood risk to surrounding properties. Because these willows were outside Environment Canterbury’s (ECAN) rating area, the Mackenzie District Council requested Xyst to manage the removal of the damaged willows to mitigate the flood risk and ensure visitor safety.

Our team walked the site to assess the scope of work required and then produced a project plan which was submitted to ECAN to obtain permission for the work alongside the waterway. Given the area is part of a drinking water protection zone, special controls were required. Once approval was received, we procured a contractor to undertake the works and managed the project through to completion.

Project Benefit

Project managing the removal of broom and crack willows obstructing the Fraser Stream.
Client organisation
Mackenzie District Council
Project Management
Capital works project management