GIS Mapping of Cemeteries

Port Pirie GIS Mapping Cemeteries

Xyst carried out GIS mapping of two cemeteries in South Australia – Port Pirie Cemetery and Crystal Brook Cemetery. The purpose of this project is to enhance site management; the digital mapping simplifies the organisation and retrieval of cemetery records making data management more efficient for council and public. The benefit to Port Pirie Regional […]

Landscape Architecture

We all have access to public parks and open spaces. Landscape Architecture helps ensure they’re safe, accessible and easy to maintain.

GIS Mapping of Suburban Parks

Brimbank City Council

Xyst carried out GIS mapping of 32 Suburban Parks within the Brimbank City Council area, identifying shapes and point locations of park asset categories. This mapping will support the councils performance-based approach to maintaining the parks.

Parks Operational Review

Maribyrnong City Council

After consulting with Maribyrnong City Council’s management and operational staff, the Xyst team identified areas for improvement and operational excellence. Xyst conducted an audit of around 60 parks and open spaces to gather information on the current achievement of service levels. We also reviewed the existing asset information, financial budgets and carried out cost analysis […]

Geelong Botanic Gardens Education Report – Issues and Opportunities Report

City of Greater Geelong

Xyst undertook the following key tasks for the Geelong : A benchmarking exercise of other education providers and programs An analysis of the current approach against curriculum outcomes An analysis of bookings and key users A high level analysis of the budget and historical expenditure Recommendations for short-term, medium-term and long-term goals were identified.

Parks Operational Review

Maribyrnong City Council Parks Operational Review

Xyst worked with staff from the Parks and Open Spaces Maintenance Team, along with other departments, to understand how parks maintenance operations are currently performing and to understand any potential need for change, in order to meet the City’s future requirements and strategic goals. This review also sought to understand more about the outputs and […]

Playground Performance Assessment Summary Report

Toowoomba Regional Council

A total of 214 playground performance assessments were conducted in 2019 in the Toowoomba Regional Council. Data was captured utilising hand held mobile devices and uploaded to an online platform that collated the information for analysis. The assessments recorded and evaluated key attributes of each playground, including site description, site location, overall play values, ancillary […]

South East Queensland Water Playground Performance Assessment

Xyst staff undertook 17 playground assessments in 2019. Data was captured utilising hand held mobile devices and uploaded to an online platform that collated the information for analysis. The assessments recorded and evaluated the following key attributes of each playground: Site description Location Overall play values Ancillary facilities Asset information Judgements on individual play space […]

Parks Operations Business Improvement Review

Xyst staff initially carried out a desktop analysis of existing documents relating to service levels, service standards, budgets, customer feedback, asset management plans and strategic plans. A total of 22 parks were assessed by scoring of a range of criteria based on typical industry standards. The identification of current operational costs and asset provision to […]

Wingicarribee Playground Strategy

Wingecarribee Playground Strategy

Xyst undertook a playground performance assessment, developed levels of service, prepared a draft strategy and assessed consultation feedback. We then finalised the Playground Strategy and Renewal Plan.