Landscape Maintenance Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) to prepare the Parklands West Landscape Maintenance Contract. GSP required a procurement plan, tender documents and a performance-based contract, procured under a two-step EOI and RFT method, all to be completed within a short timeframe. Xyst began the process by collating current asset data to form contract […]

Streetscape GIS Mapping

Xyst was engaged by Maribyrnong City Council to map out streetscapes for use in a new streetscapes contract and asset management system. Xyst began this process by analysing the GIS mapping information supplied, then building on this data to finalise the mapping of streetscapes and community centres. This process mapped amenity mowing, amenity garden beds, […]

Asset Data Collection

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands to collect asset data on an estimated 12,000 assets in Centennial Park. Over two months staff worked in teams to collect information, including a condition assessment, photos of each asset, GPS locations, and information on size and usage. Once collected, Xyst cleaned the data and provided Greater Sydney […]

Ruapehu Tree Data Collection

Xyst collected tree data on more than 1,600 of Ruapehu District Councils (RDC) street and park trees. Data collected included GPS location, species, maturity, size, condition, recommended works, life expectancy and a photo per tree. We used our in-house data collection tool to provide the data to Council (via shape file and Excel) for uploading […]

Artificial Water Features in Parks

Risk Assessment Xyst conducted a risk assessment on Council-owned artificial water features located in public spaces. Xyst worked with Council to identify the assets to be assessed and agreed on the assessment criteria and risk matrix utilised to make the assessments. Using the site assessment tool SafetyCulture, we visited each asset and conducted a risk […]

Harbour Facilities Officer Secondment

Thames Coromandel District Council

Xyst provided staffing resource on a secondment to cover a vacant position at the Thames-Coromandel District Council. During the 11 months Xyst was engaged, staff managed the District’s boat ramps and wharves. This included overseeing a boat ramp pass system, engaging with the public, commercial tour operators and fishing vessels, managing part-time wharf staff and […]

Pōmare Park Upgrade

Stage 1 Play Space Maintenance Plan The Play Space Maintenance Plan has been developed to ensure the continued maintenance and upkeep of all assets for the safety of all users of the playground. In addition, this schedule instructs authorised inspectors to record the maintenance undertaken as a requirement for warranty and safety purposes. Xyst determined […]

Taumarunui-Ōhura Ward Reserves

Taumarunui-Ohura Ward Reserves

Parks Development and Maintenance Plan Xyst visited each park and reserve in the Ward to collect park asset data and to map the current and recommended future maintenance activity. We then described and priced both short and long-term improvement actions to enhance reserve utilisation, while reducing ongoing maintenance and capital costs, which was provided in […]

Parks and Playgrounds gap analysis and performance assessment

Baw Baw Shire Council

Xyst undertook an open space performance and asset gap analysis covering: Development of an agreed level of service standard for the BBS parks and open spaces, based on their hierarchy and types. Conducted a comprehensive gap analysis providing an overview of each park within Baw Baw Shire, highlighting discrepancies between the current assets at each […]

Playground Renewal Plan

Mount Alexander Shire Council Playground Renewal Plan

Xyst worked with the client’s internal parks team developing their playground levels of service to support Council’s future strategic direction. A report was provided outlining the service levels and recommendations to support future funding applications and to address current gaps in service levels within the next 5 years. Developed levels of service to guide the […]

Eastern Hills Tracks

Eastern Hills Tracks

Network Assessment, Recommendations and Signage Plan Xyst physically inspected the full network of Eastern Hills Tracks in Hutt City Council to inform a track signage condition report, with an associated spatial plan showing existing signage locations and images. We then developed a signage plan to improve track user way-finding and safety. We made recommendations for […]

Asset Fair Value Assessment

Xyst was engaged by the Western Bay of Plenty District Council to determine the replacement values for its Parks and Coastal Assets. This project involved contacting suppliers of Parks and Reserves assets to identify market trends. Further research and adjustments were made using data from previous valuations, current projects, the Business Price Index (BPI), and […]